The SOE ‘symbolic tree’. The fire represents cancer and the still living tree is like the person still standing despite the fire.
We had a grand time at the Survivor’s Outdoor Experience Healing Adventure Retreat! Just take a look at these photos…and you will get the idea. What a pleasure to host a great group of survivors with the help of some fantastic presenters: Heath Foxlee, Linda Klinefelter, Bill Berger, Christine Jacobson, Mary Robson and Kia Armstrong. We also want to thank Twisted Roots for their fantastic music and the staff at NatureBridge, including KC Nattinger. They did a great job of making us feel welcome.
Bonus…sunny Lake Crescent!
Such a great time!
“SOE gave us a memorable, helpful, and enjoyable retreat. The combination of perfect Lake Crescent scenery,
thought-provoking speakers, and outdoor rambles on trails and the lake added up to much more than the individual parts.
All in all, a grand experience.”
“Thanks for all the hard work putting things together. It always takes some time to process such an experience, but I know I will take away some valuable ideas and experiences… and my perspective will surely be altered.”
“We were talking earlier today and we both agree that there was nothing negative about the time we were there. It was all good and positive, and we thank you and your terrific group of people who helped you pull it off.”
“Wow…what a treat! Getting together to share this weekend will remain as a highlight of my cancer ‘journey’.”